So there was a bit of a humorous coincidence that happened with the next card...

I started thinking there was a problem when I hadn't received a card in over a week.
Out of the blue, on
Thursday night, I receive a message from the
Colonel: "
Greetings from India. Dear Adam, did you receive my card IN-15192? Col. Akhil." I replied, told him no, and now I'm thinking "Oh no! My postcards are getting lost in the mail, this poor guy has been waiting ages for me to get his card!" The very next day, his card shows up, and I realize that he didn't write the register code on the card. So now I'm thinking "Oh, THAT'S why he messaged me, to give me the code!" So I register it only to see that it has indeed been travelling for 60 DAYS, right on the verge of expiring! This very patient man (from
Bangalore) must think that I've just been sitting on this card with no code, and what a coincidence that he messages me the day before it arrives, and it arrives on the very last day before it expires.

"Friends are like stars. You cannot always see them, but you always know they are there!"
This card arrived on the same day, and not only is it a perfectly composed shot by a photographer named
Rainer Jordan, it's also a very modern piece of architecture, and a unique
juxtaposition to the architecture photographed in the card above it. It comes from
Helie who lives in
Germany. She even went that extra mile by giving me a quote to translate, which I did! with the help of one of my old roommate's
German speaking
grandmother. Thanks for the card and the quote,