Here's the quick & dirty. This is where I house my cards from Postcrossing, the occasional movie review (new releases and old favorites), and also the pictures and winners from the (forthcoming) Annual Scavenger Hunt. Stay tuned.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

The grass is always greener...

My devoted boyfriend of 4 years now... I give him so much grief. Nathaniel is a great person, but where I am super positive and optimistic, he's far more conservative and realistic (let's just go with pessimistic, shall we?). Where I can stretch a story out for miles with little details and flourishes, he's fairly cut & dry, and very "to the point." I presented Postcrossing as something entertaining we could do together, but getting him to send any cards past that first one out has been like pulling teeth, so I figured I'd give up and stop pestering him.

Then he finally received his first card, from Leung in Hong Kong, China... and I AM JEALOUS. Not that I haven't loved every card I've received, but this is fireworks, architecture, color, style, a memorable event, and an accompanying illuminating story, etc. Yes, it's very very touristy, but it's also just a great card no matter how you slice it!

Nathaniel just says "cool card." URGH!

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