Here's the quick & dirty. This is where I house my cards from Postcrossing, the occasional movie review (new releases and old favorites), and also the pictures and winners from the (forthcoming) Annual Scavenger Hunt. Stay tuned.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Ask & You Shall Recieve

So about the complaining below? Yep, here I go getting this great card to shut me up! About a natural wonder I had never even heard of, too! (Let me stress again, I LOVE EVERY CARD I RECEIVE, so send me whatever you have :) Anywho, today's card come from Tiffany who lives in Owatonna, Minnesota. I am a sucker for awesome land formations in the first place, and this just happens to be a fantastically well composed shot of a glacier-carved cave on the edge of Lake Superior. Thank you Tiff', you made my day!

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

The grass is always greener...

My devoted boyfriend of 4 years now... I give him so much grief. Nathaniel is a great person, but where I am super positive and optimistic, he's far more conservative and realistic (let's just go with pessimistic, shall we?). Where I can stretch a story out for miles with little details and flourishes, he's fairly cut & dry, and very "to the point." I presented Postcrossing as something entertaining we could do together, but getting him to send any cards past that first one out has been like pulling teeth, so I figured I'd give up and stop pestering him.

Then he finally received his first card, from Leung in Hong Kong, China... and I AM JEALOUS. Not that I haven't loved every card I've received, but this is fireworks, architecture, color, style, a memorable event, and an accompanying illuminating story, etc. Yes, it's very very touristy, but it's also just a great card no matter how you slice it!

Nathaniel just says "cool card." URGH!

Sunday, September 26, 2010

"Whacky" Germans

This photo makes less sense than I do, ha ha. And that's apparently exactly why Iris chose it for me, lol. She's from Osnabrück, Germany, and she said she picked it especially for me since I love "dogs and whacky images." Must be a European spelling of wacky, like color/colour. Either way, good call, Iris! Thanks!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

The Red Squirrel of Estonia

I came home for my lunch break today to grab a PB&J (decided not to buy lunch since I'm going for sushi & a movie tonight), and look! I received a postcard!! This one comes from Piret of Tallinn, Estonia. I love the card, and I'm not ungrateful at all, but I love it when I receive cards that say a bit more than "Happy Postcrossing." Tell me about yourself, or where you live. In any case, the squirrel is awesome, so thanks Piret!

Monday, September 20, 2010

Larissa - Photographer, Postcrosser

Okay, this is pretty cool. Today's card comes from Larissa who lives in Buena Park, California. She took this photograph herself, a piece of Larissa Sibiglia Photography. It's a great photo of the park near her house, and it's cool that it's unique to her--thanks Larissa!

Two Lighthouses

So I left town on Thursday, September 16th, and I didn't have a chance to upload these then. But on that day, I received two more postcards. More importantly, they were BOTH postcards of lighthouses, from two different corners of the world. Coincidence, I suppose.
The first one comes from Angie who lives right on Lake Michigan in Port Washington, Wisconsin. It's shorter than any lighthouse I've ever seen, which makes it unique (to me at least), so I love it! Thanks for the card!

The second one is from Ricardo who lives in Portocolom, Spain. This lighthouse, located on the island of Mallorca (aka Majorca), is positioned at the entrance of their natural port to the Mediterranean Sea. God, I can't wait to see outside the U.S. Thanks, Ricardo, for a fantastic card!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Not my card, but a favorite!

As you can see on the address here, this is not really my card at all, and I'm OH so jealous about that. This actually was sent to my great friend Leslie by one Rebecca of Pittsburgh, PA. The card is a vintage drawn map/overview of Allegheny County taken from the Library of Congress, only in this historically revisionist version, the state of Pennsylvania is being attacked by Godzilla...
The artist is Matthew Buchholz, and he apparently does this with zombies, androids, UFO's, etc., incorporated into other historic photographs and maps. I, for one, am in love with it! Great call Rebecca!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Two postcards at the same time-woot.

I worked a later shift today, didn't go in until 1:30, so I was home when the mail ran. Two cards, sweet!

The first one above is from Taiwan, showing an awesome shot of the renowned Taipei 101. It was sent by Emily (aka 心怡), a high school student with the most perfect handwriting I've ever seen. I'm jealous actually! She seems really smart and really dedicated to her studies. You rock Emily, and thanks for the card!

The next one is from Norbert. This guy is in his mid-50's and stays more active than most 20-year-olds I know. Even the card he sent me is all about rock climbing and hiking that's available inside Saxon Switzerland National Park. One day, one day... Thanks Norbert!

Finally, my first postcard!

So, my first card, a beautiful scene from Helsinki, Finland! I actually got it in the post on Saturday, September 11th. Oddly enough, the first think that struck me was the way people outside the U.S. swoop their 9's. I've never seen that before, lol. Other than that, I LOVE that he drew a picture of his cat. "Him" being a Mr. I.J. who loves his cat Tyyris. Thanks for the card!

Monday, September 13, 2010

My first post is my SECOND postcard!

This is my first post, indeed. However, this is my SECOND postcard ever received through Postcrossing. I put the first one up on my desk at work, and only JUST decided to start putting up my received cards here, so I'll post it as soon as I bring it home tomorrow. Anywho, this one is from Ewa, a beautiful girl from Poland. Thanks Ewa!